DragGesture that pivots with the user in visionOS

Apple published a set of examples for using system gestures to interact with RealityKit entities. I've been using DragGesture a lot in my apps and noticed an issue when using it in an immersive space.

When dragging an entity, if I turn my body to face another direction, the dragged entity does not stay relative to my hand. This can lead to situations where the entity is pulled very close to me, or pushed far way, or even ends up behind me.

In the examples linked above, there are two versions of how they use drag.

  • handleFixedDrag: This is similar to what I'm doing now. It uses the value from value.gestureValue.translation3D as the basis for the drag
  • handlePivotDrag: This version aims to solve the problem I described above by using value.inputDevicePose3D as the basis of the gesture.

I've tried the example from handlePivotDrag, but it has one limitation. Using this version, I can move the entity around me as if it were on the inside of an arc or sphere. However, I can no longer move the entity further or closer. It stays within a similar (though not exact) distance relative to me while I drag.

Is there a way to combine these concepts? Ideally, I would like to use a gesture that behaves the same way that visionOS windows do. When we drag windows, I can move them around relative to myself, pull them closer, push them further, all while avoiding the issues described above.

Example from handleFixedDrag

mutating private func handleFixedDrag(value: EntityTargetValue<DragGesture.Value>) {
        let state = EntityGestureState.shared
        guard let entity = state.targetedEntity else { fatalError("Gesture contained no entity") }
        if !state.isDragging {
            state.isDragging = true
            state.dragStartPosition = entity.scenePosition
        let translation3D = value.convert(value.gestureValue.translation3D, from: .local, to: .scene)
        let offset = SIMD3<Float>(x: Float(translation3D.x),
                                  y: Float(translation3D.y),
                                  z: Float(translation3D.z))
        entity.scenePosition = state.dragStartPosition + offset
        if let initialOrientation = state.initialOrientation {
            state.targetedEntity?.setOrientation(initialOrientation, relativeTo: nil)

Example from handlePivotDrag

mutating private func handlePivotDrag(value: EntityTargetValue<DragGesture.Value>) {
        let state = EntityGestureState.shared
        guard let entity = state.targetedEntity else { fatalError("Gesture contained no entity") }
        // The transform that the pivot will be moved to.
        var targetPivotTransform = Transform()
        // Set the target pivot transform depending on the input source.
        if let inputDevicePose = value.inputDevicePose3D {
            // If there is an input device pose, use it for positioning and rotating the pivot.
            targetPivotTransform.scale = .one
            targetPivotTransform.translation = value.convert(inputDevicePose.position, from: .local, to: .scene)
            targetPivotTransform.rotation = value.convert(AffineTransform3D(rotation: inputDevicePose.rotation), from: .local, to: .scene).rotation
        } else {
            // If there is not an input device pose, use the location of the drag for positioning the pivot.
            targetPivotTransform.translation = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .local, to: .scene)
        if !state.isDragging {
            // If this drag just started, create the pivot entity.
            let pivotEntity = Entity()
            guard let parent = entity.parent else { fatalError("Non-root entity is missing a parent.") }
            // Add the pivot entity into the scene.
            // Move the pivot entity to the target transform.
            pivotEntity.move(to: targetPivotTransform, relativeTo: nil)
            // Add the targeted entity as a child of the pivot without changing the targeted entity's world transform.
            pivotEntity.addChild(entity, preservingWorldTransform: true)
            // Store the pivot entity.
            state.pivotEntity = pivotEntity
            // Indicate that a drag has started.
            state.isDragging = true

        } else {
            // If this drag is ongoing, move the pivot entity to the target transform.
            // The animation duration smooths the noise in the target transform across frames.
            state.pivotEntity?.move(to: targetPivotTransform, relativeTo: nil, duration: 0.2)
        if preserveOrientationOnPivotDrag, let initialOrientation = state.initialOrientation {
            state.targetedEntity?.setOrientation(initialOrientation, relativeTo: nil)

I found an alternative method for this in the particle example project.

Instead of using value.gestureValue.translation3D to move the entity, this version uses value.location3D and value.startLocation3D.

It’s not quite as good as the gesture Apple uses on Windows and Volumes. However, it is far better than what I’ve been using until now.

I'd love to hear any ideas for how to improve this

struct Example046: View {
    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in

            if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "GestureLabs", in: realityKitContentBundle) {

                // Lower the entire scene to the bottom of the volume
                scene.position = [1, 1, -1.5]



fileprivate struct DragGestureWithPivot046: ViewModifier {

    @State var isDragging: Bool = false
    @State var initialPosition: SIMD3<Float> = .zero

    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
                    .onChanged { value in
                        // We we start the gesture, cache the entity position
                        if !isDragging {
                            isDragging = true
                            initialPosition = value.entity.position

                        guard let entityParent = value.entity.parent else { return }

                        // The current location: where we are in the gesture
                        let gesturePosition = value.convert(value.location3D, from: .global, to: entityParent)

                        // Minus the start location of the gesture
                        let deltaPosition = gesturePosition - value.convert(value.startLocation3D, from: .global, to: entityParent)

                        // Plus the initial position of the entity
                        let newPos = initialPosition + deltaPosition

                        // Optional: using move(to:) to smooth out the movement
                        let newTransform = Transform(
                            scale: value.entity.scale,
                            rotation: value.entity.orientation,
                            translation: newPos

                        value.entity.move(to: newTransform, relativeTo: entityParent, duration: 0.1)

                        // Or set the position directly
                        // value.entity.position = newPos
                    .onEnded { value in
                        // Clean up when the gesture has ended
                        isDragging = false
                        initialPosition = .zero

DragGesture that pivots with the user in visionOS