Under certain conditions, using CallKit does not automatically enable the microphone.


Under certain conditions, using CallKit does not automatically enable the microphone.

Steps to Reproduce:

  • 1.Start an outgoing call, then the user manually mutes the audio.
  • 2.Receive a native incoming call, end the current call, then answer the new incoming call.(This order is important.)
  • 3.End the incoming call.
  • 4.Start another outgoing call and observe the microphone; do not manually mute or unmute.

Actual Behavior:

The audio icon indicates that the audio is unmuted, but the microphone remains off, and the small yellow dot in the top status bar (which represents the microphone) does not appear.

Expected Behavior:

The microphone should be on, consistent with the audio icon display, and the small yellow dot should appear in the top status bar.


iPhone 16 pro & iPhone 15 pro, iOS 18.0+

Can it be reproduced using speakerbox(CallKit Demo)?


Have you filed a bug about this issue? Do you have an FB number?

Once you open the bug report, please post the FB number here for my reference.

If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

Albert Pascual
  Worldwide Developer Relations.

Under certain conditions, using CallKit does not automatically enable the microphone.