Camera Capture Extension with AVMultiCamPiP

I am using AVMulti so the user captures two images how can I access those images if there is only one url that stores the captured images for the lockScreenCapture extension ? Plus how can I detect if the user opened the app from the extension to be able to navigate the user to the right screen ?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 827495022

Hello @EngOmarElsayed,

the function you are referring to in the UIApplicationDelegate is didFinishLaunchingWithOptions right ?

I am referring to application(_:continue:restorationHandler:).

the second question is that how can I access the images in the directory ? like how can I know the name of the front and the back image ? if you can provide more context on how I can access the images from the directory will be very helpful.

You determine the structure of data written to the sessionContentURL. For example:

// My custom SessionContent.
                            let content = SessionContent(frontImage: "hello", backImage: "world")
                            // Encoded as json.
                            let json = try JSONEncoder().encode(content)
                            // sessionContentURL/content.json
                            let outputURL = session.sessionContentURL.appendingPathComponent("content", conformingTo: .json)
                            // Writing my data to the url.
                            try json.write(to: outputURL)
                            // Creating my user activity.
                            let activity = NSUserActivity(activityType: NSUserActivityTypeLockedCameraCapture)
                            // opening the application from the extension.
                            try await session.openApplication(for: activity)

Then, in the delegate method I referred to above, or if you are using SwiftUI onContinueUserActivity:

.onContinueUserActivity(NSUserActivityTypeLockedCameraCapture) { activity in
                    let manager = LockedCameraCaptureManager.shared
                    Task {
                        for await update in manager.sessionContentUpdates {
                            switch update {
                            case .initial(urls: let urls):
                                print("initial: \(urls)")
                            case .added(url: let url):
                                print("added \(url)")
                                let contents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)
                                // You should see the json file here.
                                print("Contents: \(contents)")
                            case .removed(url: let url):
                                print("removed: \(url)")
                            @unknown default:

-- Greg

Hello @EngOmarElsayed,

The sessionConentURL is a path to a directory, you can store multiple captured images in that directory.

When you want the user to open your app from the extensions, you would use the openApplication(for:) method, passing an NSUserActivity with the NSUserActivityTypeLockedCameraCapture activity type.

Then, you receive that NSUserActivity when you app launches in the UIApplicationDelegate.

-- Greg

@DTS Engineer I have two questions the first one the function you are referring to in the UIApplicationDelegate is didFinishLaunchingWithOptions right ?

the second question is that how can I access the images in the directory ? like how can I know the name of the front and the back image ? if you can provide more context on how I can access the images from the directory will be very helpful.

Hello @EngOmarElsayed,

the function you are referring to in the UIApplicationDelegate is didFinishLaunchingWithOptions right ?

I am referring to application(_:continue:restorationHandler:).

the second question is that how can I access the images in the directory ? like how can I know the name of the front and the back image ? if you can provide more context on how I can access the images from the directory will be very helpful.

You determine the structure of data written to the sessionContentURL. For example:

// My custom SessionContent.
                            let content = SessionContent(frontImage: "hello", backImage: "world")
                            // Encoded as json.
                            let json = try JSONEncoder().encode(content)
                            // sessionContentURL/content.json
                            let outputURL = session.sessionContentURL.appendingPathComponent("content", conformingTo: .json)
                            // Writing my data to the url.
                            try json.write(to: outputURL)
                            // Creating my user activity.
                            let activity = NSUserActivity(activityType: NSUserActivityTypeLockedCameraCapture)
                            // opening the application from the extension.
                            try await session.openApplication(for: activity)

Then, in the delegate method I referred to above, or if you are using SwiftUI onContinueUserActivity:

.onContinueUserActivity(NSUserActivityTypeLockedCameraCapture) { activity in
                    let manager = LockedCameraCaptureManager.shared
                    Task {
                        for await update in manager.sessionContentUpdates {
                            switch update {
                            case .initial(urls: let urls):
                                print("initial: \(urls)")
                            case .added(url: let url):
                                print("added \(url)")
                                let contents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)
                                // You should see the json file here.
                                print("Contents: \(contents)")
                            case .removed(url: let url):
                                print("removed: \(url)")
                            @unknown default:

-- Greg

Camera Capture Extension with AVMultiCamPiP