Why does Xcode's Minimum Deployments only let you select N.6?

I want to set the minimum deployment to 16.0, however Xcode (16.2) won't let me select that. In the drop down box it shows 18,17,16,15, however if any of these is selected it sets them as 18.6, 17.6, 16.6 or 15.6 (see image) If an attempt is made to edit the value manually, to 16.0, then after change it, Xcode just deletes that value and sets it to nothing.

What's going on here? Why is Xcode only allowing the version other than be something.6 and why will it not let you manually edit it?

I'm not seeing the 2nd part of the behaviour you describe. When I change it to macOS 13.0, or iOS 15.0, it stays there.

To be honest, any .0 version is a bit risky. Apple isn't shy about releasing API changes in .x versions.

Why does Xcode's Minimum Deployments only let you select N.6?