I have a CoreImage pipeline and one of my steps is to rotate my image about the origin (bottom left corner) and then translate it. I'm not seeing the behaviour I'm expecting, and I think my problem is in how I'm combining these two steps. As an example, I start with an identity transform
(lldb) po transform333
▿ CGAffineTransform
- a : 1.0
- b : 0.0
- c : 0.0
- d : 1.0
- tx : 0.0
- ty : 0.0
I then rotate 1.57 radians (approx. 90 degrees, CCW)
transform333 = transform333.rotated(by: 1.57)
- a : 0.0007963267107332633
- b : 0.9999996829318346
- c : -0.9999996829318346
- d : 0.0007963267107332633
- tx : 0.0
- ty : 0.0
I understand the current contents of the transform. But then I translate by 10, 10:
(lldb) po transform333.translatedBy(x: 10, y: 10)
- a : 0.0007963267107332633
- b : 0.9999996829318346
- c : -0.9999996829318346
- d : 0.0007963267107332633
- tx : -9.992033562211013
- ty : 10.007960096425679
I was expecting tx and ty to be 10 and 10. I have noticed that when I reverse the order of these operations, the transform contents look correct. So I'll most likely just perform the steps in what feels to me like the incorrect order. Is anyone willing/able to point me to an explanation of why the steps I'm performing are giving me these results?