Adding a Label with UIImage and Text to the TabSection Header in tvOS 18+

I've been trying to add a header to the tabSection of the tabview in tvos 18+ .

    @TabContentBuilder<SelectionValue> content: () -> Content,
    @ViewBuilder header: () -> Header
) where Header : View, Footer == EmptyView

Here the ehader clearly conforms to View but i cant quite fit the label with uiimage as the icon into this. This Label when i add it to any other view, the image is in the specified 50 x 50 size but inside header it functions weirdly to be of a huge size. but also to note, if i simply hav an icon here, it is correct. So what is the problem here.. can someone help me? im supposed to add the user profile and name in the header. I dont think there's any other way

Adding a Label with UIImage and Text to the TabSection Header in tvOS 18+