CarPlay - Navigation app icon


Despite having CarPlay capabilities authorised for our navigation app, our users are seeing some odd behaviour in the appearance of the icon in the sidebar menu on the side of the CarPlay display.

The documentation suggests the quickbar will show the most recently used: navigation app,

  1. Open our app in CarPlay
  2. Switch to another non-navigation app via CarPlay sidebar
  3. Note that our navigation app remains in sidebar
  4. Switch back to our navigation app
  5. Search for destination, select, tap 'Let's Go' to start navigation
  6. Switch to a non-navigation app via CarPlay sidebar
  7. Note that our app is replaced by another navigation app in the sidebar (Google/Apple), despite being the most recently used

Any ideas?

The top app icon in the dock is the slot for the navigation app.

If there is any navigation app foregrounded, it will always win out in the navigation app slot in the dock.

If there is no navigation app foregrounded, the dock should show the most recent actively-navigating navigation app.

If there is no actively-navigating navigation app, the dock should show the most recently-opened navigation app.

So, even if your app is actively navigating, bringing another navigation app to the foreground will show that app in the dock instead.


Thanks for the reply. Completely understand that - this behaviour is experienced when switching to a non-navigation app (e.g. Spotify) - it's not possible to use the sidebar to get back to our navigation app.

CarPlay - Navigation app icon