Passkey Registration Fails with “UnexpectedRPIDHash” on iOS — Domain & Associated Domains Confirmed Correct

I’m implementing Passkey registration on iOS using ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider. On the server side, I’m using a WebAuthn library that throws the error UnexpectedRPIDHash: Unexpected RP ID hash during verifyRegistrationResponse().

  • Domain: (publicly routable, valid SSL certificate, no warnings in Safari)
  • Associated Domains in Xcode**:
  • AASA file:
      "applinks": { "apps": [] },
      "webcredentials": {
        "apps": [
  • Xcode Configuration:
    • Team ID: H33XH8JMV6
    • Bundle ID: com.reactivex.pebblepath
    • Associated Domains:
  • Logs:
    • iOS clientDataJSON shows "origin": "".
    • Server logs confirm expectedOrigin = "" and expectedRPID = "".
    • Despite this, the server library still errors out: finishRegistration error: UnexpectedRPIDHash.

I’ve verified that:

  1. The domain has a valid CA-signed SSL cert (no Safari warnings).
  2. The AASA file is reachable at
  3. The app’s entitlements match
  4. I’ve removed old passkeys from Settings → Passwords on the device and retried fresh.
  5. I’m testing on a real device with iOS 16+; I am using a Development provisioning profile, but that shouldn’t cause an RP ID mismatch as long as the domain is valid.

Every log indicates that the domain and origin match exactly, but the WebAuthn library still throws UnexpectedRPIDHash, implying iOS is embedding a different (or unrecognized) RP ID hash in the credential.

Has anyone else encountered this with iOS passkeys and a valid domain/AASA setup? Is there an extra step needed to ensure iOS recognizes the domain for passkey registration?

Any guidance or insights would be greatly appreciated!

I ran in the same issue as you previously. If you use SimpleWebauthn library it expects a Base64URL encoded RP ID hash and apple produces a Base64 encoded one. You can check this SO thread for more details; but basically, when you receive an ASAuthorizationResult.passkeyRegistration you should Base64URL encode the rawAttestationObject.

Thus if you have a res object (on the iOS client) that you send back to verifyRegistrationResponse(), adding:

res.response.attestationObject = Base64URL.encode(rawAttestationObject!)

before sending it back to your server should fix your issue.

Please also note that a valid RP ID only consists of the effective domain name so in your case (without the https://).

I hope this is clear enough and helps you fix your problem.

Passkey Registration Fails with “UnexpectedRPIDHash” on iOS — Domain & Associated Domains Confirmed Correct