Debug Vision Pro application directly on physical device instead of the simulator

I have Mac mini M4 with 16GB memory, the Xcode is 16.1, when I test my Vision Pro App with the Simulator, it is very slow and system shows the memory is under the high pressure.

How do I run/test/debug the application on Vision Pro directly? Tried to add my Vision Pro to my developer account, it didn't work due to cannot find UDID, when I hook the USB to the battery, it only shows Battery device ID.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 820287022

Hello @stang2021,

See Connect real devices to your Mac for steps on how you can pair Apple Vision Pro without a physical connection.

-- Greg


Usually I develop with the AVP on my head and the virtual display and yes you can develop run test debug directly with it

Did you enable Develop mode in the setting of the AVP in Privacy section ?

Accepted Answer

Hello @stang2021,

See Connect real devices to your Mac for steps on how you can pair Apple Vision Pro without a physical connection.

-- Greg

Thanks a lot and it works!

Debug Vision Pro application directly on physical device instead of the simulator