Text Fields Covered By Keyboard. iPadOS App


I have a form on an iPad App I'm developing and the form have text field at its bottom when tapping on it the keyboard cover those text fields how to solve this issue leave a hug gap at bottom of the form so text field jump to top when keyboard shows ?

Kind Regards

Is it SwiftUI or UIKit ?

For UIKit, use keyboadWillShow and keyboradWillHide to compute whether you have to move the view up.

For SwiftUI, you have to manage yourself: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56491881/move-textfield-up-when-the-keyboard-has-appeared-in-swiftui

@Claude31 Thanks allot, it's a hard task to leave it on developer to solve it ! Its in SwiftUI.

Kind Regards

@Claude31 now another isue is when text field get focused and keyboard shows content of side bar jumps up, is that a known issue ! its very strange ! is it aa known bug or something ?

Text Fields Covered By Keyboard. iPadOS App