I am trying to discover how to display my application’s calculated Solar Information values in a chart.
- My application identifies a selected location in MapKit.
- The application identifies the location’s longitude, latitude, and current time of day.
- The application calculates the selected location’s NOAA [SOLAR ELEVATION], and the [SOLAR AZIMUTH] for the time of day.
- The application calculates the data, then stores the calculated values as a [Plist] file within my application’s Document Directory.
For the moment, complete with repeated scouring of the Internet, I am not sure how to properly convert, transfer, or create a Structure, required by the chart to display the calculated values. I would like to create the chart once the calculations are complete, but I introduced a Plist to store the calculations for future use, too.
The calculated values coincide with the NOAA Solar Calculations, complete to the displayed [h : m : s], whereas I also designed the application to create the [Array of Dictionary Objects] to store the calculated values for each subsequent six minute interval, until the end of the selected location’s day. The calculated values are properly appended to the [Array of Dictionary Objects] after each completed calculation, with data transfer constants. There are 240 calculations per day from [00:06:00 to 23:54:00], presented as a [STRING], complete with the [Elevation] presented as a [DOUBLE].
For example :: The application generates the following [Calculated Array of Dictionary Objects], then recreates, and appends a new Plist in the Document Directory.
mySolarElevationDataArrayOfDictionaries :: [(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:06:00", theCalculatedElevation: -62.60301082991259), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:12:00", theCalculatedElevation: -62.94818095051292), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:18:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.245198186807215), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:24:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.49236786176319), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:30:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.688223890934175), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:36:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.831564163806945), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:42:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.921486675739004), (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:48:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.95741610687708), to the end of the data :: ===> (theRequiredTimeOfDay: "23:54:00", theCalculatedElevation: -60.69355458181633)]
The application presents the initial data as follows ::
Then presents a compass view to illustrate the results ::
I modified the Chart’s [MOCK DATA] from the calculated values to test the Chart’s display in a [SwiftUI Hosting Controller].
For example :: The following Chart Mock Data in a [HourlySunElevation_MockChartData.swift] file is called by the application’s [Content View].
import Foundation
struct Value {
let theRequiredTimeOfDay: String
let theCalculatedElevation: Double
static func theSunElevationMockData() -> [Value] {
return [Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:06:00", theCalculatedElevation: -62.60301082991259), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:12:00", theCalculatedElevation: -62.94818095051292), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:18:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.245198186807215), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:24:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.49236786176319), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:30:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.688223890934175), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:36:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.831564163806945), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:42:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.921486675739004), Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:48:00", theCalculatedElevation: -63.95741610687708), to the end of the data :: ===> Value(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "23:54:00", theCalculatedElevation: -60.69355458181633)]
The Chart illustrates the Mock Data as follows ::
I also created a Struct within the [MySunElevationChart_ViewController] to try to append the calculated data, using the same logic with the Plist data transfer constants, as employed by the [Array of Dictionary Objects] ::
struct ChartSolarElevationValues {
var theRequiredTimeOfDay: String
var theCalculatedElevation: Double
// Structs have an implicit [init]. This is here for reference.
init(theRequiredTimeOfDay: String, theCalculatedElevation: Double) {
self.theRequiredTimeOfDay = theRequiredTimeOfDay
self.theCalculatedElevation = theCalculatedElevation
} // End of [init(theRequiredTimeOfDay: String, theCalculatedElevation: Double)]
} // End of [struct ChartSolarElevationValues]
Unfortunately, the result did not append each subsequent calculation, but continued to create the same calculation as a new distinct object ::
NOTE :: I only called three calculations with the Struct test.
// NOTE :: To prevent an [ERROR] at [var mySolarElevationChartData = [ChartSolarElevationValues]] since it has an init.
// Therefore you must add () at the end of [var mySolarElevationChartData = [ChartSolarElevationValues]]
let theData = [ChartSolarElevationValues]()
//print("theData :: \(theData)\n")
let someData = ChartSolarElevationValues(theRequiredTimeOfDay: TheTimeForDaySunElevation.theTheTimeForDaySunElevation, theCalculatedElevation:VerifyCityLocationSearchRequestCorrectedSolarElevation.theVerifyCityLocationSearchRequestCorrectedSolarElevation)
var theData_New = theData
print("theData_New :: \(theData_New)\n")
// Prints :: theData_New :: [My_Map.ChartSolarElevationValues(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:06:00", theCalculatedElevation: -61.11000735370401)]]
// Prints :: [theData_New :: [My_Map.ChartSolarElevationValues(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:12:00", theCalculatedElevation: -61.315092082911875)]]
// Prints :: [theData_New :: [My_Map.ChartSolarElevationValues(theRequiredTimeOfDay: "00:18:00", theCalculatedElevation: -61.47403413313205)]]
So, I am misintepreting the required coding structure to properly append the Elevation Chart, and the Azimuth Chart with the calculated data.
I know something is amiss, but for the moment, I do not know how to address this issue.
Your suggestions would be welcome ... :]