Swift Playgrounds Will Not Upload to App Store Connect

When I go to the App Settings menu in Swift Playgrounds and attempt to upload to App Store Connect, I run into the below error screen:

  • I am registered with the Apple Developer Program.
  • Swift Playgrounds is updated to its latest version.
  • This is occurring on both macOS and iPadOS.
  • All the information I put in is valid.

Any reason why this would be happening?

I don’t know but searching for that error it might be a problem with their servers…



I’m really not sure though. Let us know if it magically clears up

It's hard to know for sure what happened here, but it might be worth trying your submission again to see if it was a transient server-side issue.

If the problem persists, please attach a copy of your app playground to a feedback report at feedbackassistant.apple.com!

Swift Playgrounds Will Not Upload to App Store Connect