Watch Crash - Only when build with xcode 16, release, watchOS 10 or less

We have a issue with our watch app. When we do a release build with xcode 16 the watch app will not launch and crashes on watchOS 10 and below devices.

It does not do this on debug builds...and it does not do this on xcode 15 release/debug builds.

Anybody running into watch crashes on xcode 16?


Thank you for the crash log. By any chance did you also file a Feedback? Would love to route this to a specific team to have a look. Thanks!

If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

When post the FB number in this thread.

Opened FB - FB16251599

Watch Crash - Only when build with xcode 16, release, watchOS 10 or less