Live Caller ID Example Setup Config Error

I have been playing around with getting the Live Caller ID example project setup yet I cannot get passed the initial configuration. I have the app extension running on my device and the server running on the correct host and port so things are working in that sense, yet when I go to the Call Blocking & Identification Services to toggle on my extension I see that the /config endpoint is failing with the following error:

Invalid existingConfigIds count 1. Expected 0 or 0.

The existingConfigIds has one entry with a Data object of zero bytes.

I’m not sure where/why this is getting added upon initialization. Has anyone seen this occur? I followed the testing instructions as far as I can tell and haven’t seen this issue discussed elsewhere.

User error. The bundle identifier in service-config.json was set to the bundle identifier of the app and not the extension. Once I fixed this, the error went away and now things are working as expected.

Accepted Answer

User error. The bundle identifier in service-config.json was set to the bundle identifier of the app and not the extension. Once I fixed this, the error went away and now things are working as expected.

Live Caller ID Example Setup Config Error