Hi everyone,
I'm encountering an issue where the background location indicator remains visible on the status bar even though I have set the location permissions to Never for my app in the system settings. Despite taking all the necessary steps to stop location tracking (including stopping updates, geofencing, and other location-related services), the indicator still appears. This seems to be a bug since everything has been turned off on my end.
Here’s what I’ve already tried:
- Setting location permissions to Never in the settings.
- Stopping startUpdatingLocation(), stopMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges(), and geofencing (using locationManager.stopMonitoringRegions()).
- Calling locationManager.showsBackgroundLocationIndicator = false.
- Ensuring that the CLLocationManager is fully invalidated.
Despite all of this, the background location indicator still remains in the status bar. I’ve tested it on real devices, as well as in the simulator, with no improvement.
Has anyone experienced something similar, or can suggest why this might be happening? Could this be related to an iOS 18+ issue?
Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated.