In one of our applications we use LAContext's evaluatePolicy:localizedReason:reply: to authenticate a user. This works pretty well with both username/password and Touch ID. Now we have a request to add support for smart cards and I wonder if this is possible using LAContext. Otherwise I would use Authentication Services, although that might be a bit overkill since we don't need to request any rights, we just want to see that the user has been successfully authenticated. Or is there a better way? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Marc
Unfortunately that didn’t pan out.
I talked to the Local Authentication (LA) team about this and they confirmed there’s no supported way for LA to present the Use PIN button that Keychain Access presents via Authorization Services. LA has some support for smart card PINs, but this represents a gap in that support.
We’d welcome an enhancement request for this feature. I encourage you to file that, with details about your specific use case.
Please post your bug number, just for the record.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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