textfield does not allow any user input

I am very new to all this. What I wanted:

I wanted this textfield (where there is "I am the placeholder") to allow users to type any string:

At the moment this textfield does not let me type in anything. It sits like a stone. There are no corresponding errors to this but this behaviour is not my liking. I wanted it to let me just type string.

Could anyone kindly point me in the right direction?

This is how IBOutlet connection made to the TextField in question

And the code snippet

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var companyTextField2: UITextField!

let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext
  private var models = [Consulting]()

//more other codes
@IBAction func insertName(_ sender: UITextField) {
            // Create the UITextField
            let nameTextField = UITextField()
            nameTextField.placeholder = "Enter Name"

            // Option 1: Add the UITextField to the view (if needed)
            // Option 2: Use the UITextField (e.g., get or set its text)
            let enteredName = nameTextField.text
            print("Entered Name:", enteredName ?? "")


Why do you need to create a new UITextField in the IBAction ? You recreate a new UITextField which hides the existing one, hence you cannot enter anything).

The logical way to do it:

  • create the UITextField in the storyboard (I understand you did it)
  • connect to an IBOutlet that you name nameTextField
  • declare the placeholder in the storyboard (attributes inspector). It will be displayed automatically when the textField is empty.

  • do not create the IBAction yet

Then you should be able to type in nameTextField

If you need an IBAction (but do NOT create nameTextField subview inside)

  • declare in storyboard that the delegate of the textField is the UIViewController
  • declare that the UIViewController conforms to UITextFieldDelegate
  • change the IBAction (if you need to have some action once text entered) by:
@IBAction func insertName(_ sender: UITextField) {
            let enteredName = sender.text
            print("Entered Name:", enteredName ?? "")

What is the error message on line 13 ?

textfield does not allow any user input