In my app, I have an onboarding made of multiple steps in a NavigationStack.
I also have a state variable that controls an if else root branch to show either the onboarding NavigationStack or the app content if the onboarding is finished.
I noticed that when I end the onboarding (i.e. I switch to the other part of the if else root branch), the onAppear of the first View in the NavigationStack of the onboarding is called again. I don’t understand why.
Is this a bug?
Thanks, Axel
enum Step {
case one
case two
case three
case four
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var isFinished: Bool = false
@State private var steps: [Step] = []
var body: some View {
if isFinished {
Button("Restart") {
steps = []
isFinished = false
} else {
NavigationStack(path: $steps) {
VStack {
.onAppear { print("onAppear: start") }
Button("Go to step 1") { steps.append(.one) }
.navigationDestination(for: Step.self) { step in
switch step {
case .one:
Button("Go to step 2") { steps.append(.two) }
.onAppear { print("onAppear: step 1") }
case .two:
Button("Go to step 3") { steps.append(.three) }
.onAppear { print("onAppear: step 2") }
case .three:
Button("Go to step 4") { steps.append(.four) }
.onAppear { print("onAppear: step 3") }
case .four:
Button("End") {
isFinished = true
.onAppear { print("onAppear: end") }
.onAppear { print("onAppear: NavigationStack") }