On a navigation bar created by a DocumentGroup, items disappear after renaming the file from the automatic Rename button in the Title Menu

  1. On an iPad or iPhone running iPadOS / iOS 18.2 (built with Xcode 16.2), run the WritingApp sample code from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/SwiftUI/Building-a-document-based-app-with-SwiftUI from WWDC24

  2. Then add the following struct to the project:

struct NavigationBarToolbar: ToolbarContent {
    var body: some ToolbarContent {
        ToolbarItem(placement: .secondaryAction) {
            Button("Button 1", systemImage: "1.circle") { }

        ToolbarItem(placement: .secondaryAction) {
            Button("Button 2", systemImage: "2.circle") { }

        ToolbarItem(placement: .secondaryAction) {
            Button("Button 3", systemImage: "3.circle") { }

        ToolbarItem(placement: .secondaryAction) {
            Button("Button 4", systemImage: "4.circle") { }

        ToolbarItem(placement: .secondaryAction) {
            Button("Button 5", systemImage: "5.circle") { }
  1. Comment out the original toolbar in the sample project and replace with:
.toolbar(content: NavigationBarToolbar.init)
  1. Run the project and open or create a document

  2. Click on the TitleMenu and choose Rename, in order to rename the file

  3. Type in a new name and press Enter.

  4. Notice how the items of the toolbar disappear

—— This issue has been submitted as feedback with number FB16100225

This issue is linked to the following feedbacks: FB14855728 FB14855668 FB14849205 FB12343963 FB15164292

On a navigation bar created by a DocumentGroup, items disappear after renaming the file from the automatic Rename button in the Title Menu