Hi folks,
I've been having this issue for the last few months, where Xcode Cloud fails to resolve Swift package dependencies while compiling my builds, seemingly at random.
Some of my Xcode Cloud builds will fail after several minutes, with an error log looking like that :
xcodebuild: error: Could not resolve package dependencies: failed downloading 'https://dl.google.com/firebase/ios/bin/grpc/1.62.2/rc0/grpcpp.zip' which is required by binary target 'grpcpp': downloadError("The request timed out.")
Whenever this happens, I have to manually restart an Xcode Cloud build process (or several builds, since the error can happen multiple times in a row), to the point it's becoming increasingly painful to rely on Xcode Cloud for my workflow.
The failing packages are mostly random (meaning, it's not always the same one that Xcode fails to resolve), but they are always publicly accessible, even though I have an environment variable set in my Xcode workflows to retrieve a single Github private dependency (maybe this has some kind of importance).
Could anyone tell me if this is an isolated issue, or if I could do anything on my end to resolve this ?
Thank you !