Message from (PhotoKit) in log


Our application is backing up the user photos to some back end. When retrieving the asset data from the Photo Library, we set the flag 'accessNetworkAllowed' to true to get the assets that might be optimized in iCloud. In the application logs, we can see the message below, and it shows as coming from (PhotoKit)

Missing prefetched properties for PHAssetAdjustmentProperties on <PHAsset: 0x160b1ec00> BCF5688F-F7A7-4196-AFC7-A84E8BD95F3E/L0/001 mediaType=1/0, sourceType=1, (5601x3734), creationDate=2022-01-24 23:36:05 +0000, location=0, hidden=0, favorite=0, adjusted=0 . Fetching on demand on the main queue, which may degrade performance.

In particular, the message says 'Fetching on demand on the main queue' but I'm not sure if that means that PhotoKit will fetch on main queue or if that mean that our application is requesting the data on main queue.

Anyone could clarify? thanks

Answered by Flojsncr in 817603022

after quick analysis, I see our code is calling on main thread

Accepted Answer

after quick analysis, I see our code is calling on main thread

Message from (PhotoKit) in log