"Failed to analyse workspace" when opening the Cloud tab

Hello, when I open the "Cloud" tab in the Report navigator, it shows "Failed to analyze workspace" and I cannot do anything. I can't start a build, nor can I manage or create workflows. All options are greyed out.

When loading the project, in Console I see the following errors from Xcode:

fault	11:07:19.805349+0100	Xcode	❌❌❌ Assertion failure #0 in <private>
error	11:07:19.816641+0100	Xcode	❌❌❌ Assertion backtrace: >><private>0   XcodeCloudKit                       0x00000001195309d8 $s13XcodeCloudKit17AssertionHandlingPAAE16logFullBacktraceyyFAA0D0O7HandlerV_Tg5Tf4d_n + 48
	1   XcodeCloudKit                       0x00000001192583c4 $s13XcodeCloudKit26ShellBasedProjectDescriberPAAE17describePublishery7Combine03AnyI0Vy6OutputQzs5Error_pG5InputQzFAKs5Int32V_10Foundation4DataVARtcfU_AA021AllArchivableProductsdG0V_Tg5 + 2012
	2   XcodeCloudKit                       0x000000011925ec90 $ss5Int32V10Foundation4DataVAE7Combine12AnyPublisherVy6Output13XcodeCloudKit26ShellBasedProjectDescriberPQzs5Error_pGIegyggo_AB8exitCode_AE6stdoutAE6stderrtAOIegnr_AjKRzlTRAJ021AllArchivableProductskN0V_TG5TA + 40
	3   Combine                             0x00000001a072351c $s7Combine10PublishersO7FlatMapV5Outer33_E91C3F00A6DFAAFEA2009FAF507AE039LLC7receiveyAA11SubscribersO6DemandV6OutputQy_F + 300
	4   Combine                             0x00000001a0725128 $s7Combine10PublishersO7FlatMapV5Outer33_E91C3F00A6DFAAFEA2<…>
fault	11:07:19.822299+0100	Xcode	❌❌❌ Assertion failure #0 in <private>
fault	11:07:19.822405+0100	Xcode	❌❌❌ Assertion failure #0 in <private>
error	11:07:19.824577+0100	Xcode	❌❌❌ Assertion backtrace: >><private>0   XcodeCloudKit                       0x00000001195309d8 $s13XcodeCloudKit17AssertionHandlingPAAE16logFullBacktraceyyFAA0D0O7HandlerV_Tg5Tf4d_n + 48
	1   XcodeCloudKit                       0x00000001195e088c $s13XcodeCloudKit17DiscoveredProductO16DescriptorsCacheC13updatePlanner11environmentyAA21DeploymentEnvironmentO_tFys6ResultOySayAC0E10DescriptorVGs5Error_pGcfU_ + 740
	2   XcodeCloudKit                       0x0000000119289fa8 $s7Combine9PublisherP13XcodeCloudKitE18sinkAtMostOneValue4file4line6resultAA14AnyCancellableCs12StaticStringV_Suys6ResultOy6OutputQzs5Error_pGctFyAA11SubscribersO10CompletionOy_sAQ_pGcfU0_AA0nB0VySay0cD3API10ComponentsO7SchemasO13BuildArtifactVGsAQ_pG_Tg5Tm + 68
	3   XcodeCloudKit                       0x00000001192a1ef4 $s7Combine9PublisherP13XcodeCloudKitE18sinkAtMostOneValue4file4line6resultAA14AnyCancellableCs12StaticStringV_Suys6ResultOy6OutputQzs5Error_pGctFyAA11SubscribersO10CompletionOy_sAQ_pGcfU0_AA0nB0VySay0cD3API10ComponentsO7Sc<…>

Obtained by filtering by xcode-cloud-assertion category.

Is there anything I can do to fix this? Thanks!

Hi there! Sorry you are having difficulties accessing Xcode Cloud in Xcode. To better help you out, can you please file a feedback and attach the output of running the xcodebuild command in the root of your project:

xcodebuild -project Example.xcodeproj -describeAllArchivableProducts -json

This command is also described here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/configuring-your-first-xcode-cloud-workflow/

Here is the output, with names related to the company, brand and products anonymised

Thank you for that! Are you able to reproduce this issue with other Xcode projects?

No, if I try to go inside the Cloud tab with other projects I have the Xcode Cloud welcome page with the Get Started button.

I see, thank you! To look into this it sounds like we'll need to collect some more information. Please reproduce the issue, collect a sysdiagnose and attach that to a feedback. You can post the feedback number here.

Here is the feedback number: FB16094609

Thank you for your help!

"Failed to analyse workspace" when opening the Cloud tab