I use IKSaveOptions to add an accessory view to an NSSavePanel to give the user choice of the image file type (etc) used to save a file. I limit the available file type choices in the accessory's menu by specifying a delegate object that offers the saveOptions:shouldShowUTType: method.
Historically, my delegate was called repeatedly (for many file types) so, for those not supported by my code, I was able to omit them from the menu. This is expected behaviour from my interpretation of the documentation for saveOptions:shouldShowUTType:
As of Ventura 13.1, the delegate was not called at all; instead, the entire (or at least a long) list of options was offered in the panel. Running the same build of my code on Catalina 10.15.7 still had the historical behaviour.
In Sonoma (14.0) the delegate was called exactly once (for JPEG). This behaviour persists in Sequoia 15.1.1 .
I have used test code and breakpoints to ensure that I pass a valid reference to my delegate and to inspect when (if) it is called.
If there is some (new?) pre-condition for the accessory's use needed on Ventura and later, or a workaround, I would be grateful to be pointed to it.