Watch OS - Complications settings not showing anywhere.

I have a fully functioning IOS / Watch App working on hardware and software test. But, I cannot figure out how to get complications to show up:

  1. Xcode itself does not show complication choices in the target settings.
  2. Can't find a clear simple explanation of the various choices in the settings.
  3. Complication choices in the IOS iPhone app settings never appear
  4. Not at all sure how complications get assigned to 'groups' etc.

...been a roadblock for weeks...very confusing area.

Not new to Xcode ( 10+ years experience). But the basic certificate, settings, info list combination seems always to be a massive hurdle to navigate.

WidgetKit is how you develop complications for Watch apps. You can find more information here:

If that doesn't cover the question—i.e., you already have a Widget extension and WidgetKit-based complications ready to go and are only having trouble with getting them to show up—can you provide more info about what you aren't able to find in Xcode?

Watch OS - Complications settings not showing anywhere.