Syntax highlighting & code autocompletion is broken for Swift Packages wrapping an underlying binary target. Jump to defenition
for module import
shows the whole module interface and project builds & archives just fine, but any known workarounds to resurrect syntax assistant won't work without any errors/warnings.
Replacing the .binaryTarget()
with plain .target()
with source code in package dependency brings all assistant features back.
Steps to reproduce (project attached):
- Create a local Swift Package
- Add a dependency with binary target (for example — AppsFlyerFramework
- Try to use dependency product with binary dependency
Attempted steps to fix:
- Full DD clean
- Full project clean
- ~15 min to index
Xcode 16.0 & Sonoma 14.6.1, problem persists with Xcode16.2 & Sequoia.
Radar #16035437