NavigationStack Fatal error: ‘try!

I am struggling to get pickers work in a form. I add NavigationStack and get this error Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: SwiftUI.AnyNavigationPath.Error.comparisonTypeMismatch

I have tried most every format or picker setup as well as DatePicker and can’t seem to determine how to get the selected item in a picker list saved.

running: Xcode 16.1

import SwiftUI import SwiftData

struct RoundsEditView: View { @Bindable var roundsdata: RoundsData @Environment(.modelContext) private var modelContext // @Environment(.dismiss) var dismiss

@State private var playDate =

@State private var selectedTee = "Gold"
let tees = ["Black", "Blue", "White", "Gold", "Red", "Silver"]

@Query(sort: \PlayerData.playerHandle) private var players: [PlayerData]
@State private var selectedHandle: PlayerData? = nil

var body: some View {
    NavigationStack {
        Form {
            HStack {
                TextField("Course Name", text: $roundsdata.roundscourseName)
            HStack {
                //                 DatePicker("Date:", selection: $playDate, in: ...Date(),
                DatePicker("Date:", selection: $playDate,
                           displayedComponents: [.date])
                //      DatePicker("Date:", selection: $playDate, in: ...Date(),
                //                 displayedComponents: .date).onChange(of: playDate) { oldState, newState in model.youDidChangeMethod(from: oldState, to: newState)
            Section {
                Picker("Handle:", selection: $selectedHandle) {
                    Text("Select a Handle").tag(nil as PlayerData?)
                    ForEach(players, id: \.self) { player in
                        HStack {
                                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
                                .tag(player as PlayerData?)
                        .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
                        .tag(player as PlayerData?)
                //         .pickerStyle(.inline)  this does not fix issue or design wise work
            //       HStack {
            //           Text("Tee:")
            //           TextField("Tee", text: $roundsdata.roundsTee)
            //               .textContentType(.name)
            //       }
            HStack {
                Picker("Tee:", selection: $selectedTee) {
                    ForEach(tees, id: \.self) {
            HStack {
                TextField("Handicap", value: $roundsdata.roundsHandicap, format: .number)
            HStack {
                TextField("*****", value: $roundsdata.roundsGross, format: .number)
            HStack {
                TextField("Net", value: $roundsdata.roundsNet, format: .number)
            HStack {
                TextField("Rating", value: $roundsdata.roundsRating, format: .number)
            HStack {
                TextField("Slope", value: $roundsdata.roundsSlope, format: .number)
        .navigationTitle("Edit Rounds")


It's quite clear that your code formatting didn't work properly when you posted this, so you should've immediately revised it and corrected it. Basically, put three backticks on one line, then all of your code, then another line with just three backticks on it. It's not difficult, and it would help us when reading it.

You've put a bunch of commented code in there. Is it relevant to your issue?

You don't say what line causes the error?

Why does this need to be embedded in a NavigationStack anyway?

Why do you need an HStack around one DatePicker?

At your ForEach(players, id: \.self) { player in line, you have an HStack and a Text with some modifiers (.frame and .tag). Why have you put this in an HStack and then put the same modifiers on the HStack?

Are the five HStacks at the bottom relevant to the issue?

I'm not entirely sure you understand how HStacks work. They place items horizontally. If there's only one item, does it need to be in an HStack?

Please clean up this question and we may be able to help you. In doing so you might actually fix the issue yourself...

I will try to clean out some of the commented text. I have it in there as reference for me as I trying to resolve the issue and not replicate something already tried. But I will take it out as best I can. I included the NavigationStack as I found that in similar responses to other Picker posts. Others said it worked buy did not for me.

As for the multiple HStacks is a formatting thing I am using on the form.

Other than the pickers everything works perfectly for me.

My issue is getting the selection from the Date Picker and other pickers loaded into my textfields for Date, Handle, Tee and others I want to create.

You said I have multiple brackets on one line. I don’t see that in my code at all so I am not sure what you mean.

I will repost with comments.

ok lets see if this abbreviated code helps.

  1. I removed the HStacks and as expected it altered the form view for the user from what we wanted so I will retain the HStacks as I do know how they work and impact the look.

  2. my form has about 20 fields. When i don’t use Pickers I am able to add, list and update all the fields for multiple records added.

  3. when I add the pickers, I am able to make selections but I can figure out how to get that selection to load into the field.

  4. The date picker selection should end up in $roundsdata.roundsDate

  5. the Handle picker is built from data created in another view and the pick list loads properly and I can select form it. However as in date how do i get the selection into $roundsdata.roundsHandle

I can’t find any examples of pickers anywhere that show how to save the selected value into a field stored in SwiftData. If you have an example like that it would be great.

This is my first attempt at creating an app so apologies for incorrect terms and sloppy code.

At the moment I have several views working as long as no pickers are involved.

import SwiftUI import SwiftData

struct RoundsEditView: View { @Bindable var roundsdata: RoundsData @Environment(.modelContext) private var modelContext

@State private var playDate =

@State private var selection: selectedTee = .White

@Query(sort: \PlayerData.playerHandle) private var players: [PlayerData]
@State private var selectedHandle: PlayerData? = nil

var body: some View {

        Form {
           HStack {
               TextField("Course Name", text: $roundsdata.roundscourseName)
            DatePicker("Date:", selection: $playDate,
                           displayedComponents: [.date])
            Picker("Handle:", selection: $selectedHandle) {
                Text("Select a Handle").tag(nil as PlayerData?)
                ForEach(players, id: \.self) {
                    player in Text(player.playerHandle)
                        .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
                        .tag(player as PlayerData?)

I don't want to labour the point, but once you make a post that has code in it you need to look at that post and see whether you've put the backticks in the right place:

Anyway, have you tried adding an .onChange(of:) {} to the DatePicker to print out the value of the variable?

If it's being set correctly, you can then just manually set your value, i.e.:

DatePicker("Date:", selection: $playDate, displayedComponents: [.date])
.onChange(of: playDate) {
    roundsdata.roundsDate = playDate

The same applies for your Picker, but make sure you add the .onChange(of:) {} to the closing brace for the Picker and not on anything inside it, like the Text and ForEach items.

NavigationStack Fatal error: ‘try!