I have these two errors in this particular block of code: Capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'MusicPlayer?' in a @Sendable
closure and Capture of 'localUpdateProgress' with non-sendable type '(Double, Double) -> Void' in a @Sendable
` @MainActor
func startProgressTimer(updateProgress: @escaping (Double, Double) -> Void) {
timer?.invalidate() // Stop any existing timer
let localUpdateProgress = updateProgress
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { [weak self] _ in
guard let self = self,
let audioPlayer = self.audioPlayer,
let currentItem = audioPlayer.currentItem else {
print("currentItem is nil or audioPlayer is unavailable")
let currentTime = currentItem.currentTime().seconds
let duration = currentItem.duration.seconds
localUpdateProgress(currentTime, duration)
I've tried nearly every solution and can't think of one that works. Any help is greatly appreciated :)