Picker and DatePicker selection confusion

I have a multi view app I am trying to develop as my first app. I have gone through much of HackingwithSwiftui

Xcode 16.1 SwiftUI on a MacAir

The prior views in the app store various information. golf Course info in one and Golfers info in another. This third view is to record rounds of golf played. I started it simple with me entering input manually and that worked.
I then decided to start using pickers with the first two being a DatePicker and the second pulling in the nickname(Handle) for players to select from. in a Handle Picker.

Following is my code. I can select a date as of Now and prior for date played and also the second picker does pull in the all the Handles from my prior view and I can select a Handle of the player for the round.

I then fill in all the other information. When I exit the view I do see that the Round is created but the Date always defaults to Now and the Handle stays blank. When i go back in to edit the round I can change the date and select a Handle but can get them to save.

I have tried many things and searched for days on the web for examples with no luck. I am sure its something simple.

Any help is appreciated as I want to add for pickers for course, tee and other fields. But until I figure out what I am missing the project is at a standstill.

import SwiftUI import SwiftData

struct RoundsEditDataView: View { @Bindable var roundsdata: RoundsData @Environment(.modelContext) private var modelContext

@State private var playDate = Date.now

@Query(sort: \PlayerData.playerHandle) private var players: [PlayerData]
@State private var selectedHandle: PlayerData? = nil

var body: some View {

        Form {
            HStack {
                TextField("Course Name", text: $roundsdata.roundscourseName)
            HStack {
                DatePicker("Date:", selection: $playDate, in: ...Date(),
                           displayedComponents: .date)
            Section {
                Picker("Handle:", selection: $selectedHandle) {
                    Text("Select a Handle").tag(nil as PlayerData?)
                    ForEach(players, id: \.self) { player in
                        HStack {
                            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
                            .tag(player as PlayerData?)
                        .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
                        .tag(player as PlayerData?)

// .pickerStyle(.inline) this does not fix issue or design wise work }

The rest of this works fine for now until I decide to convert more to picker lists. HStack { Text("Tee:") TextField("Tee", text: $roundsdata.roundsTee) .textContentType(.name) } HStack { Text("Handicap:") TextField("Handicap", value: $roundsdata.roundsHandicap, format: .number) .textContentType(.name) } HStack { Text("*****:") TextField("*****", value: $roundsdata.roundsGross, format: .number) } HStack { Text("Net:") TextField("Net", value: $roundsdata.roundsNet, format: .number) .textContentType(.name) } HStack { Text("Rating:") TextField("Rating", value: $roundsdata.roundsRating, format: .number) .textContentType(.name) } HStack { Text("Slope:") TextField("Slope", value: $roundsdata.roundsSlope, format: .number) .textContentType(.name) } } } }

Answered by Gyannes in 816110022

Resolved with another post I was more specific in.

Maybe I should have added that the two fields expected to be populated are: $roundsdata.roundsDate with the selected date and $roundsdata.roundsHandle with the selected Handle

Accepted Answer

Resolved with another post I was more specific in.

Picker and DatePicker selection confusion