why do I need to set the font of an image of an SF symbol to get the effect to work? This should be a bug, it's bad behavior. Xcode 16.1 iOS 18.1, so frustrating.
for example: this works
Image(systemName: "arrow.trianglehead.2.clockwise.rotate.90.circle.fill")
.symbolEffect(.rotate, options: .repeat(.continuous), value: isActive)
.onAppear() {
isActive = true
but this does not animate, which makes no sense
Image(systemName: "arrow.trianglehead.2.clockwise.rotate.90.circle.fill")
.symbolEffect(.rotate, options: .repeat(.continuous), value: isActive)
.onAppear() {
isActive = true
its the same if you use a simple setup and different font size, and whether font is before or after the symbol effect
Image(systemName: "arrow.trianglehead.2.clockwise.rotate.90.circle.fill")
.font(.headline) // only works if this line is here
.symbolEffect(.rotate, options: .repeat(.continuous))