tvOS Accessibility: How to enable accessibility focus on static text and custom views

Hi guys, I'm trying to add accessibility labels to a static text and custom SwiftUI views. Example:

MyView {
.accessibilityElement(children: .combine)
.accessibilityLabel("ACCESSIBILITY LABEL")
.accessibilityHint("ACCESSIBILITY HINT")

When using 'voiceover' or 'hover text' accessibility features, focus moves only between active elements and not on static elements. When I add .focusable() it works, but I don't want to make those elements focusable when all accessibility features are off. I suppose I could do something like this:

.focusable(UIApplication.shared.accessibility.voiceOver.isOn || UIApplication.shared.accessibility.hoverText.isOn)

Note: this is just pseudocode, because I don't remember exactly how to detect current accessibility settings.

However using focusable() with conditions on hundreds of static texts in an app seems to be overkill. Also the accessibility focus is needed on some control containers where we already have a little more complex handling of focus with conditions in focusable(...) on parent and child elements, so extending it for accesssiblity seems to be too complicated.

Is there a simple way to tell accessiblity that an element is focusable specifically for 'hover text' and for 'voiceover'? Example what I want to accomplish for TV content:

    HStack {     
         if parentalLock {
             Image(named: .lock)
    .accessibilityLabel(for: hover, "Terminator - parental lock")

    Text("Sci-Fi * 8pm - 10pm * Remaining 40 min. * Live")
        .accessibilityLabel(for: hover, "Sci-Fi, 8 to 10pm, Remaining 40 min. Broadcasting Live")
.accessibilityLabel(for: voiceover, "Terminator, Sci-Fi, 8 to 10pm, Remaining 40 min. Broadcasting Live, parental lock")```

I saw all Accessibility WWDC videos 2016, 2022, 2024 and googling it for several hours, but I coudln't find any solution for static texts and custom views. From those videos it appears .accessibilityLabel() should be enough, but it clearly works only on actvie elements and does not work for other SwiftUI views on tvOS without focusable(). Can this be done without using focusable() with conditions for detection which accessibility feature is on? The problem with focusable would be that for accessibility I may need to read a text for parent view, but focus needs to be placed on a child element. I remember problems when focusable() is set on parent view that child was not focusable or something like that - simply put: complications in focus logic.


For now resolved using


It looks like making static views purposely focusable for voiceover is not going to be needed on so many places.

tvOS Accessibility: How to enable accessibility focus on static text and custom views