Share sheet configuration

I'm trying to configure the share sheet. My project uses techniques from the Apple Sample project called CoreDataCloudKitShare which is found here:

In this sample code there's a "PersistenceController" which is an NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. In the "PersistenceController+SharingUtilities" file there are some extensions, and one of them is this:

func configure(share: CKShare, with photo: Photo? = nil) { share[CKShare.SystemFieldKey.title] = "A cool photo" }

This text "A cool photo" seems to be the only bespoke configuration of the share sheet within this project.
I want to have more options to control the share sheet, does anyone know how this might be achieved? Thank you!

I want to have more options to control the share sheet, does anyone know how this might be achieved?

What options are you looking for? ShareLink provides a few initializers that allow you to configure the subject, message, and preview. If you are looking for something else, I'd suggest that you file a feedback report for the SwiftUI folks to consider.

If you are looking for more information about CKShare, it provides thumbnailImageData as well. If you see issues when accessing the system fields, the following post may help:

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

Share sheet configuration