Swift UI Chart Accessibility issue

Hi Team,

We are integrating SwiftUI's Charts BarMark, UI looks good but when we try setting up custom ADA it doesn't reflect/override the accessibility label/value we set manually.

Is it iOS defect or is there any workaround? Thanks in advance.


 Chart(data) {
                    x: .value("Category", $0.department),
                    y: .value("Profit", $0.profit)
                .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Product Category", $0.productCategory))
                .accessibilityLabel("Dep: \($0.department)")
                .accessibilityValue("Profile: \($0.profit) Category: \($0.productCategory)")

Are you creating a stacked bar chart by any chance? I have run into the same problem, where VoiceOver seems to ignore the accessibilityLabel and accessibilityValue modifiers we apply to each BarMark. However, this only happens with a stacked bar chart.

With a standard bar chart, the modifiers work exactly as expected.

Swift UI Chart Accessibility issue