Empty canvas in Swift Playgrounds Mac 15.1


First post and I am a total newbie when it comes to Ipads & Macs... And also this forum, so sorry if I post in wrong section.

My son use Ipad at school and they use Swift Playground there. To be able to do some programming at home, I have set up Vmware with Sequoia 15.1. I installed the app Swift Playground and try to run the playground Get Started with Code and some other education playgrounds.

If I understand correctly, it should be some landscape and a figure on the canvas... For me it is only a blue area.

I installed XCode, but could not figure out how to run the learning examples there. Tips? Is it possible to run the education playgrounds there? I removed Swift Playgrounds and installed it again, same issue. I also installed IOS 18.1 (?) but I am not sure it is needed.

Any suggestion of how I can get contents to show on the canvas? Except of bying an Ipad. ;)

On my (real) M1 Pro MacBook Pro with macOS 14.7.1, it looks like this. What machine are you running your VM on?


I am running WMWare on a PC, Intel 5960x with Windows 10.

Do I need to install toolchain or something also?

Empty canvas in Swift Playgrounds Mac 15.1