MacOS 15.1, in the app designed for iPad, the image of UIAction in UIMenu does not display correctly.


        let action1 = UIAction(title: "Restore".localized, image: UIImage(resource: .listRestore)) { [weak self] action in
            self?.trashRestoreTapped(id: button.tag)
        let action2 = UIAction(title: "Delete".localized, image: UIImage(resource: .listDelete), attributes: [.destructive]) { [weak self] action in
            self?.trashDeleteTapped(id: button.tag)
        } = UIMenu(options: .displayInline, preferredElementSize: .large, children: [action1, action2])
        button.showsMenuAsPrimaryAction = true

MacOS 15.1:


Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 813082022

This currently behaves as designed. Context menus are generally not expected to contain images on the Mac per HI guidelines, whereas iOS/iPadOS context menus are expected to contain images. If you believe you have a good use case for images on your Mac context menu, I would encourage you to file a feedback report and describing your use case.

Accepted Answer

This currently behaves as designed. Context menus are generally not expected to contain images on the Mac per HI guidelines, whereas iOS/iPadOS context menus are expected to contain images. If you believe you have a good use case for images on your Mac context menu, I would encourage you to file a feedback report and describing your use case.

MacOS 15.1, in the app designed for iPad, the image of UIAction in UIMenu does not display correctly.