SwiftUI Lists down arrow handling broken

This has been broken for over 5 years now. I see 2 different behaviors in 2 different SwiftUI apps. This makes SwiftUI not ready for prime time apps, but I just have tools right now.

  1. The VStack { List } doesn't scroll to the item in a long list. The selection moves to the next item in the list, but can't see it. This is just basic UI functionality of a list. UIListView doesn't have this issue.

  2. The NavigationView { List { NavigationLink }} wraps around back to the top of the list when pressing down arrow past the last visible item, but there are plenty more list items to visit.

Do you have some code for your two examples? Maybe you're doing something wrong, and there's a different way of doing what you want to achieve?

I have a profiler names alecazam/kram kram-profile. It's a SwiftUI app that does build analysis. It's not doing anything exotic with the List. The List was just broken.

I finally got that app ported from Swift 5 to Swift 6, and that seems to have fixed the VStack { List } case. I can't port the other app to Swift 6 due to so many concurrency warnings.

Not sure if this link will send, but this is the usage. But it's working now. I didn't change any code, just ported to Swift 6. But the tagged build isn't yet updated.


SwiftUI Lists down arrow handling broken