Xcode fails to compile visionOS app that has a Front layer in AppIcon asset

I'm trying to create the app icon for my visionOS app. The Assets catalog already contains AppIcon for iOS and I've added another AppIcon for visionOS.

If I only add the Back layer of the visionOS icon, compiling succeeds despite there being an error

The visionOS App Icon "AppIcon" must have at least 2 layers with applicable content. Although it has 3 layers, only 1 has applicable content.

As soon as I add one of the other two layers, say the Front layer, compiling fails, but this time Xcode only shows a generic compiler error

Command CompileAssetCatalogVariant emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure

If I click that message, a long build log opens containing among other things:

2024-10-31 11:28:15.258 AssetCatalogSimulatorAgent[66919:1456355] -[TDTextureRawRenditionSpec _createImageRefWithURL:andDocument:format:] Texture image asset file:///~/Documents/apps/myApp/xcode/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.solidimagestack/Back.solidimagestacklayer/Content.imageset/icon_layer3.heic not in one of supported formats
libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type NSException
Command CompileAssetCatalogVariant failed with a nonzero exit code

What is the problem?

I filed FB15642844.

Xcode fails to compile visionOS app that has a Front layer in AppIcon asset