I am building an app where tasks can be shown on multiple selected days. The user will select a day and the available tasks should be shown. I am struggling to build a view hierarchy where the visible tasks will update when added to the currently shown day.
A simplified model looks like the below:
@Model final class Day
private(set) var dayID: UUID = UUID()
var show: [Item]?
@Model final class Item
private(set) var itemID: UUID = UUID()
@Relationship(inverse: \Day.show) var showDays: [Day]?
I have a view representing a day, and I would like it to display a list of associated tasks below.
The view doesn't update if I list a day's tasks directly, e.g. List(day.show) {}
I get a compile error if I build a sub view that queries Item using the day's show array:
let show = day.show ?? []
let predicate = #Predicate<Item> { item in
show.contains(where: { $0.itemID == item.itemID }) }
I get runtime error if I flip the predicate:
let dayID = day.dayID
let predicate: Predicate<Item> = #Predicate<Item> { item in
item.showDays.flatMap { $0.contains(where: { $0.dayID == dayID }) } ?? false }
I'm at a loss of how to approach this, other that just forcing the whole view hierarchy to update every time a make a change.
Is there a recommended approach to this situation please?