Create a new path item in Adobe Illustrator via JXA

I'm looking for a way to create path items in Adobe Illustrator using JXA (JavaScript for Automation).

I googled the whole internet several times and couldn't find anything... There is only a very basic

introduction of JXA on the Apple Developer Site.

Here is my code, where I tried to add an ellipse to an existing document:

    illuApp = Application('Illustrator')
    docPath = "/Users/userOne/Desktop/"

    currentDoc = illuApp.currentDocument

    // Ellipse constructor
    newEllipse = illuApp.Ellipse({left: 512.5, top: 87.5, width: 425.0, height: 75.0, reversed: false, inscribed: true})

    // This doesn't work **(Error -1700: Can't convert types.)**

Any help would be appreciated, thanks! 🙂