ASWebAuthenticationSession does not work well.

I'm currently implementing a function in SwiftUI to log in with my Instagram account.

It's not working, I'm creating a Firebase Auth function and it comes back to the redirect URL.

This may happen if browser sessionStorage is inaccessible or accidentally cleared. This may happen if browser sessionStorage is inaccessible or accidentally cleared. I get this error.

I can't implement it. I have tried various methods, but all have failed.

If anyone knows how to do this, please help.

import SwiftUI
import AuthenticationServices
import FirebaseAuth

struct InstagramLoginView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Login with Instagram") // タイトル
            Button(action: {
                // ボタンが押された時にInstagramのログイン処理を開始
            }) {
                Text("Login with Instagram")

class InstagramLoginHelper: NSObject, ASWebAuthenticationPresentationContextProviding {
    func startInstagramLogin() {
        let clientID = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
        let redirectURI = ""
        let authURL = "\(clientID)&redirect_uri=\(redirectURI)&scope=user_profile,user_media&response_type=code"
        let schem = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"
        if let url = URL(string: authURL) {
            let session = ASWebAuthenticationSession(url: url, callbackURLScheme: schem) { callbackURL, error in
                if let error = error {
                    print("Error during authentication: \(error.localizedDescription)")
                if let callbackURL = callbackURL, let code = URLComponents(string: callbackURL.absoluteString)?.queryItems?.first(where: { $ == "code" })?.value {
                    // 認証コードを使ってFirebaseでログインする
                    self.loginWithInstagram(authCode: code)
            session.presentationContextProvider = self
    func loginWithInstagram(authCode: String) {
        // Firebaseのauthインスタンスを取得
        let auth = Auth.auth()
        // InstagramのOAuthプロバイダを使用する
        let provider = OAuthProvider(providerID: "")
        // Instagramの認証コードを使って、プロバイダの認証資格情報を生成
        provider.getCredentialWith(nil) { credential, error in
            if let error = error {
                print("Error during authentication: \(error.localizedDescription)")
            if let credential = credential {
                // Firebaseにログイン
                auth.signIn(with: credential) { authResult, error in
                    if let error = error {
                        print("Error during Firebase authentication: \(error.localizedDescription)")
                    } else {
                        print("Successfully authenticated with Firebase.")
    // ASWebAuthenticationPresentationContextProvidingの実装
    func presentationAnchor(for session: ASWebAuthenticationSession) -> ASPresentationAnchor {
        return { $0.isKeyWindow } ?? ASPresentationAnchor()

#Preview {

I just left an answer in your other question before seeing this one. You'll likely have better success using the SwiftUI version of this API. If you're still having issues with that, please let us know through Feedback Assistant, including a sysdiagnose from the device, so we can take a look.

ASWebAuthenticationSession does not work well.