LLDB RPC Server Crash Playground File XCode 16.0

When running the code below in a playground file, it crashes with an LLDB RPC Server crash. The crash log is attached. If I put the code into a project, it runs fine.

import Foundation

@objc protocol Speaker {

func speak()
@objc optional func tellJoke()


class Deb: Speaker {

func speak() {
    print("Hello, I'm Deb!")

func tellJoke() {
    print("What did Sushi A say to Sushi B?")


class Bryan: Speaker { func speak() { print("Yo, I'm Bryan!") }

func tellJoke() {
    print("What is the object oriented way to become wealthy?")

func writeTutorial() {
    print("I'm on it!")


class Animal {} class Dog: Animal, Speaker { func speak() { print("Woof!") }


var speaker: Speaker = Bryan()

if speaker is Bryan { print("Hi, I'm a Bryan") }

speaker.speak() //speaker.writeTutorial() //won't compile (speaker as! Bryan).writeTutorial()

speaker = Deb() speaker.speak()


speaker = Dog() speaker.tellJoke?() //return nil

protocol MtgSimulatorDelegate {

func mtgSimulatorDidStart(sim: MtgSimulator, a: Speaker, b: Speaker)
func mtgSimulatorDidEnd(sim: MtgSimulator, a: Speaker, b: Speaker)


class LoggingMtgSimulator: MtgSimulatorDelegate {

func mtgSimulatorDidStart(sim: MtgSimulator, a: any Speaker, b: any Speaker) {
    print("Meeting started")

func mtgSimulatorDidEnd(sim: MtgSimulator, a: any Speaker, b: any Speaker) {
    print("Meeting ended")


class MtgSimulator: MtgSimulatorDelegate {

func mtgSimulatorDidStart(sim: MtgSimulator, a: any Speaker, b: any Speaker) {
    print("the meeting started")

func mtgSimulatorDidEnd(sim: MtgSimulator, a: any Speaker, b: any Speaker) {
    print("the meeting ended")

let a: Speaker
let b: Speaker
var delegate1: MtgSimulatorDelegate?
var delegate2: MtgSimulatorDelegate?

init(a: Speaker, b: Speaker) {
    self.a = a
    self.b = b
    delegate1 = self

func simulate() {
    print("Off to meeting....")
    delegate1?.mtgSimulatorDidStart(sim: self, a: a, b: b)
    delegate2?.mtgSimulatorDidStart(sim: self, a: a, b: b)
    print("Leaving meeting...")
    delegate1?.mtgSimulatorDidEnd(sim: self, a: a, b: b)
    delegate2?.mtgSimulatorDidEnd(sim: self, a: a, b: b)


let sim = MtgSimulator(a: Deb(), b: Bryan()) sim.delegate2 = LoggingMtgSimulator() sim.simulate()

Can you open the Inspector on the right and change Swift Version to 5 (if not already) and see if the problem persists?

Hi, Sorry it took so long to get back to you. It does run correctly if I switch it to Swift 5.

Thanks for your post. It saved me some valuable unquantifiable time.

LLDB RPC Server Crash Playground File XCode 16.0