xcrun notarytool submit is failing to upload

Hello,I have been using Apple’s notarization services for some time, but for some reason, it has been failing for the last two days.

Please find the command and it's output.

Conducting pre-submission checks for Espressif-IDE-macosx-cocoa-aarch64.dmg and initiating connection to the Apple notary service...
Submission ID received
  id: bde93f95-4208-45c2-b238-1bcf629648c7
Error: abortedUpload(resumeRequest: SotoS3.S3.ResumeMultipartUploadRequest(uploadRequest: SotoS3.S3.CreateMultipartUploadRequest(acl: nil, bucket: "notary-submissions-prod", bucketKeyEnabled: nil, cacheControl: nil, contentDisposition: nil, contentEncoding: nil, contentLanguage: nil, contentType: nil, expectedBucketOwner: nil, _expires: SotoCore.OptionalCustomCoding<SotoCore.HTTPHeaderDateCoder>(value: nil), grantFullControl: nil, grantRead: nil, grantReadACP: nil, grantWriteACP: nil, key: "prod/AROARQRX7CZS3PRF6ZA5L:bde93f95-4208-45c2-b238-1bcf629648c7", metadata: nil, objectLockLegalHoldStatus: nil, objectLockMode: nil, _objectLockRetainUntilDate: SotoCore.OptionalCustomCoding<SotoCore.ISO8601DateCoder>(value: nil), requestPayer: nil, serverSideEncryption: nil, sSECustomerAlgorithm: nil, sSECustomerKey: nil, sSECustomerKeyMD5: nil, sSEKMSEncryptionContext: nil, sSEKMSKeyId: nil, storageClass: nil, tagging: nil, websiteRedirectLocation: nil), uploadId: "C18xItDUHLkciEHQt_ctoMujceWSoVDz6_V8GRjSPhb2JI4YghXecKH3AVdBVKfTiPXInPr_TbF1aIfWJVKGkuIPtmKm6yzybc1mXTJDWlO.306kjAf5sNxO2H5ksNuy6Jqluc9gXAt3FFJKJZrf1CO3g_mIdfwGNUvQsAP3NpyoOWyDX6E4Ti36IdEZrlOj", completedParts: [SotoS3.S3.CompletedPart(eTag: Optional("\"089a88c4fb3c6844234dc2a89c027da7\""), partNumber: Optional(1)), SotoS3.S3.CompletedPart(eTag: Optional("\"e0e74de26a56733b7a1a5dd48e1f4184\""), partNumber: Optional(2))]), error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Network.NWError error 54 - Connection reset by peer))

Buried deep in that error message is Connection reset by peer. This suggests you’re having a networking problem. For testing purposes, try uploading to the notary service from a different network. For example, if you’re at work, try from your home network. Or vice versa.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

xcrun notarytool submit is failing to upload