empty dSYM file detected - Xcode 16


I recently updated to Xcode 16. Since then I successfully built my app and sent an update to the App Store.

But suddenly, after an exception I've experienced while working on my code, the app is crashing on launch, without showing the stack trace, and showing only one warning in the console:

warning: (arm64) /Users/myuser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-bglvscamatwthwbfqmtzmbvxeewc/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/myapp.app/MyApp empty dSYM file detected, dSYM was created with an executable with no debug info.
  • Tried deleting derived data
  • Erasing all simulator data
  • Reseting my computer

No change yet. Any idea what am I missing?

Thank you..

Answered by DTS Engineer in 805560022

I'm looking into this in this other thread. Any updates I have will be shared in that thread.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

Same issue here.

I was having all these issues and I'm not sure but I think it might have had something to do with NordVPN. I shut it down and now dSYMs are being sent to Firebase Crashlytics again.

EDIT: Nevermind. Closing NordVPN didn't do anything, but I swear, I closed it, Crashlytics registered a crash - just one - and then went back to "missing dSYM file" again.

I don't know what's going on.

I have the same issue in my all projects. Is there any solution avaliable?

This is a really annoying bug in Xcode.

I keep a Mac around with previous OS version and Xcode version to the get my production builds out. The code base is identical on both my machines. Where on older setup it works and newer it doesn't.

Apple, please fix it soon. Thanks.

Please change to No the User script sandboxing under Build Settings. Also for further info: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48296774/firebase-crashlytics-upload-missing-dsyms-to-see-crashes-from-1-versions-ios/79246834#79246834

I solve this with changing Strip debug symbols during copy to yes. If it is already yes, turn it to NO then build and then YES again run the application.

and in flutter i send reports with crashlytics.sendUnsentReports().

It takes 5-10 min but sending every reports ater reopen the application.

Same issue here

Same issue here, works fine with xcode 15, warnings appear with xcode 16. Any fix has been found?

empty dSYM file detected - Xcode 16