empty dSYM file detected - Xcode 16


I recently updated to Xcode 16. Since then I successfully built my app and sent an update to the App Store.

But suddenly, after an exception I've experienced while working on my code, the app is crashing on launch, without showing the stack trace, and showing only one warning in the console:

warning: (arm64) /Users/myuser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-bglvscamatwthwbfqmtzmbvxeewc/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/myapp.app/MyApp empty dSYM file detected, dSYM was created with an executable with no debug info.
  • Tried deleting derived data
  • Erasing all simulator data
  • Reseting my computer

No change yet. Any idea what am I missing?

Thank you..

Answered by DTS Engineer in 805560022

I'm looking into this in this other thread. Any updates I have will be shared in that thread.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

I am experiencing the same issue. I even tried reverting back to 15.4, but the same issue is still occurring, very strange.

Hi, I'm experiencing the same issue, and haven't been able to fix it, it was working fine before the xcode update, but after that i started experiencing the same thing as you

Hello, Facing the same issue with xcode 16.0, App is not crashing but it takes a very long time to make build.

Temporary solution till the permanent fix is go to Build Settings>Build Options>Debug Information Format, make sure both Debug and Release is DWARF only.

I'm looking into this in this other thread. Any updates I have will be shared in that thread.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

I had the same issue. It seems that if you go to the build settings and update DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT to DWARF and back to DWARF with dSYM File it adds some new DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; entries to the project file and this warning disappears.

Facing similar issue.

Same issue here as well...

I get the same message in the console with XCode 16, but it does not crash the app on startup. So maybe the crash is not related to the message.
The missing dSym does seem to make it impossible to symbolicate crash logs.

We're also running into an issue that appears to be related to Xcode 16.0, the primary issue is that Firebase Crashlytics has missing dSYMs. However, during dSYM upload / processing, it finds and successfully uploads a dSYM:

In the Xcode 16.0 console I see the same message as mentioned above: "warning: (arm64) /Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SomeApp-dih...wzn/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SomeApp.app/SomeApp empty dSYM file detected, dSYM was created with an executable with no debug info."

I tried changing the build settings for our targets, directly in Xcode's build settings as well as using externalized configuration (.xcconfig).

Enabled for debug and release:


For debug:


For release:


Snippet from the automated build log:

14:08:19 14:08:19  Platform: ios
14:08:19 14:08:19  DSYM Paths: ["/Users/.../SomeApp.xcarchive/dSYMs/SomeApp.app.dSYM"]
14:08:19 14:08:19  
14:08:19 14:08:19  Inspecting next path: /Users/.../SomeApp.xcarchive/dSYMs/SomeApp.app.dSYM
14:08:19 14:08:19  Found dSYM at path: /Users/.../SomeApp.xcarchive/dSYMs/SomeApp.app.dSYM
14:08:19 14:08:19  Begin processing dSYM at /Users/.../SomeApp.xcarchive/dSYMs/SomeApp.app.dSYM
14:08:19 14:08:19  Zipping csym for uuid c2c....8443c, architecture: arm64
14:08:19 14:08:19  Zipping csym succeeded for uuid c2c....8443c, architecture arm64... getting compressed data
14:08:19 14:08:19  Deleting file at path: /var/folders/20/.../T/arm64-c2c....8443c.csym
14:08:19 14:08:19  Deleted file at path /var/folders/20/.../T/arm64-c2c....8443c.csym
14:08:19 14:08:19  Deleting file at path: /var/folders/20/.../T/some.zip
14:08:19 14:08:19  Deleted file at path /var/folders/20/.../T/some.zip
14:08:19 14:08:19  Uploading cSYM to https://firebasecrashlyticssymbols.googleapis.com/v1/project/-/app/1:123456:ios:9e...c4/upload/native/c2c....8443c
14:08:19 14:08:19  Uploading cSYM for uuid c2c....8443c, architecture arm64
14:08:19 14:08:19  Successfully submitted symbols for architecture arm64 with UUID c2c....8443c in dSYM: /Users/.../SomeApp.xcarchive/dSYMs/SomeApp.app.dSYM

I was not yet able to check the dSYM on the build node(s), but I am suspecting this is an empty dSYM like Xcode is reporting locally. Note that unlike some reports above we also do not experience a crash (so that seems like it is unrelated). Probably unrelated, but we use cocoapods for dependency management.

It looks like the Firebase issue of missing dSYMs and the empty dSYM message in Xcode coincided with moving from Xcode 15.4 to Xcode 16.0

I tried Xcode 16.1 beta 3 (16B5029d) but I am still seeing the "empty dSYM file detected, dSYM was created with an executable with no debug info." message.

Anyone found a fix for this? We also experience this problem. I just cannot build and run on either a simulator or device using Xcode 16.

The app crashes on launch with the following stacktrace:

#0	0x000000010595cf30 in __pthread_kill ()
#1	0x0000000104d9b124 in pthread_kill ()
#2	0x000000018016c4ec in abort ()
#3	0x0000000104b82f18 in abort_could_not_find_entry_point___debug_dylib ()
#4	0x0000000104b82744 in getDebugDylibEntryPoint ()
#5	0x0000000104b81f98 in __debug_blank_executor_main ()
#6	0x0000000104dd5410 in start_sim ()
#7	0x0000000104eda154 in start ()

And the following warning:

warning: (arm64)  /path/to/executable  empty dSYM file detected, dSYM was created with an executable with no debug info.

I tried Enable Debug Dylib Support = NO. At the beginning I saw that the message was gone and I was really happy, but then I tried to make some crashes but no dsym files were uploaded in Firebase. I switched again in Yes and I saw the message again, but after that when I made some crashes, I saw the logs in Firebase. I cannot say that I have a clear answer or I realised exactly what happened, but now it's working. In all these tries I run my app from Xcode of course, but sometimes I just run my app directly from the phone. I don't know if this helped the situation for this thing to unstuck. I hope that maybe someone will get some help from all these and make it work

I have met the same issue

Same issue here.

Same problem here.

empty dSYM file detected - Xcode 16