It looks like iOS 18 app changed the way document-based SwiftUI apps function in a way that breaks our app.
Previously, a ReferenceFileDocument would run its init(configuration:) function before any SwiftUI views would load. Now, it runs it after SwiftUI views load and their onAppear modifiers run.
Because we use a reference-type data model, our views reference a different object than the one loaded from our document's content. Much of our app's functionality is broken, and file saving doesn't work (because the data model writing to disk isn't connected to the views)
I filed a bug report, but this seems like a wild change that should affect more than just us. It wasn't happening earlier in the iOS betas. It feels like it only got added in the last beta, but I'm not sure.
Has anyone else run into this, or have any guidance for how best to deal with this?