SwiftUI video editing timeline implementation

I am trying to build a video editing timeline using SwiftUI which consists of a series of trimmers (sample code for trimmer below). I plan to embed multiple of these trimmers in an HStack to make an editing timeline (HStack in turn will be embedded in a ScrollView). What I want to achieve is that if I trim end of any of these trimmers by dragging it's left/right edge, the other trimmers on timeline should move left/right to fill the gap. I understand as the view shrinks/expands during trimming, there might be a need for spacers on the edges of HStack whose widths need to be adjusted while trimming is ongoing.

Right now the code I have for the trimmer uses a fixed frameWidth of the view, so the view occupies full space even if the trimming ends move. It's not clear how to modify my code below to achieve what I want. This was pretty much possible to do in UIKit by the way.

import SwiftUI

struct SimpleTrimmer: View {
        @State var frameWidth:CGFloat = 300
        let minWidth: CGFloat = 30
        @State private var leftOffset: CGFloat = 0
        @State private var rightOffset: CGFloat = 0
        @GestureState private var leftDragOffset: CGFloat = 0
        @GestureState private var rightDragOffset: CGFloat = 0

        private var leftAdjustment: CGFloat {
           // NSLog("Left offset \(leftOffset + leftDragOffset)")
            var adjustment = max(0, leftOffset + leftDragOffset)
            if frameWidth - rightOffset - adjustment - 60 < minWidth {
                adjustment = frameWidth - rightOffset - minWidth - 60.0
            return adjustment

        private var rightAdjustment: CGFloat {
            var adjustment = max(0, rightOffset - rightDragOffset)
            if frameWidth - adjustment - leftOffset - 60 < minWidth {
                adjustment = frameWidth - leftOffset - 60 - minWidth
            return adjustment

        var body: some View {
                HStack(spacing: 10) {
                    Image(systemName: "chevron.compact.left")
                        .frame(width: 30, height: 70)
                        .offset(x: leftAdjustment)
                            DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
                                .updating($leftDragOffset) { value, state, trans in
                                    state = value.translation.width
                                .onEnded { value in
                                    var maxLeftOffset = max(0, leftOffset + value.translation.width)
                                    if frameWidth - rightAdjustment - maxLeftOffset - 60 < minWidth {
                                        maxLeftOffset = frameWidth - rightAdjustment - minWidth - 60
                                    leftOffset = maxLeftOffset


                    Image(systemName: "chevron.compact.right")
                        .frame(width: 30, height: 70)
                        .offset(x: -rightAdjustment)
                            DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
                                .updating($rightDragOffset) { value, state, trans in
                                    state = value.translation.width
                                .onEnded { value in
                                    var minRightOffset = max(0, rightOffset - value.translation.width)
                                    if minRightOffset < leftAdjustment - 60 - minWidth {
                                        minRightOffset = leftAdjustment - 60 - minWidth

                                    rightOffset = minRightOffset

                .padding(.horizontal, 7)
                .padding(.vertical, 3)
                .background {
                    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 7)
                        .padding(.leading, leftAdjustment)
                        .padding(.trailing, rightAdjustment)
                .frame(width: frameWidth)

#Preview {
SwiftUI video editing timeline implementation