Here is a code snippet about AVPlayer.
avPlayer.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTime(value: 1, timescale: 60), queue: .main) { [weak self] _ in
// Call main actor-isolated instance methods
Xcode shows warnings that Call to main actor-isolated instance method '***' in a synchronous nonisolated context; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
. How can I fix this?
avPlayer.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTime(value: 1, timescale: 60), queue: .main) { [weak self] _ in
Task { @MainActor in
// Call main actor-isolated instance methods
Can I use this solution above? But it seems switching actors frequently can slow down performance.
Note how addPeriodicTimeObserver(…)
takes a queue parameter which tells the system the queue on which to run the observer. You’re passing .main
, indicating that you want the observer to run on the main queue. In that case, you don’t need to spin up a task. Rather, you can use assumeIsolate(…)
, which has two functions:
At compile time, it tells the compiler that you’re expecting this code to run on the main actor.
At runtime, it checks that fact.
So, your code might look like this:
avPlayer.addPeriodicTimeObserver(forInterval: CMTime(value: 1, timescale: 60), queue: .main) { [weak self] _ in
MainActor.assumeIsolated {
There are a bunch of recipes like this in the Migrating to Swift 6 doc.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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