Installation on this device is prohibited by ManagedConfiguration

When I try to install my app via USB cable on my child's iPhone 13 device I see following error in Xcode:

Installation on this device is prohibited by ManagedConfiguration

If I go to VPN & Device Management, I don't see anything. This is my Child's iphone so it is not like it is enrolled in some kind of school or work MDM.

Developer mode is ON and I added device ID to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Devices.

Domain: IXRemoteErrorDomain
Code: 9
Failure Reason: Unhandled error domain IXRemoteErrorDomain, code 9
User Info: {
    FunctionName = "-[IXSRemoteInstaller initWithRemoteInstallOptions:xpcAssetStream:assetSize:error:]";
    SourceFileLine = 149;

Is it cellular network provider that has locked something? How to be sure about this?

You have installed a configuration profile (maybe from your work or school) that prohibits using this device for installation.

Check your installed profiles.

Installation on this device is prohibited by ManagedConfiguration