Opening other apps while Immersive space is open?

I am working on a small side project for the Apple Vision pro. One thing I'm trying to figure out is can I open another app while having the immersive space open from my original app? As an example I want to present a fully immersed view displaying a 360 degree photo. I then want to allow the user to open up safari or any other app of their choice and use the immersive environment as a background? Is this possible? Everything I've read so far seems to say no but I wasn't sure if someone found out how to make this possible.

Hi @Tony3495

This is not possible. From the Human Interface Guidelines:

In the Shared Space, your software runs alongside other experiences, and people can switch between them much as they do on a Mac; in a Full Space, your app or game runs alone, hiding other experiences and helping people immerse themselves in your content.

In this context "Full Space" is an immersive space with any style (full, mixed or progressive).

Opening other apps while Immersive space is open?