Problem with status bar moving horizontally in apps that only support portrait

Our app supports only portrait mode. And in some cases, the status bar moves horizontally, as shown in the video below. We have confirmed that this problem does not appear in OS versions 15.3.1 and lower. The problem occurs on OS 16 and 17.

At the point when the problem appears, the code simply subscribes to data through the interval scheduler. The code is below: At that point, set autoUpdate to true.

private let autoUpdateTimer = Observable<Int>.interval(.seconds(20), scheduler: MainScheduler.asyncInstance)
private var autoUpdate = BehaviorRelay<Bool>(value: false)
            .filter { $0 }
.map { ($0.0, $0.1, 1, $0.2?.property?.unitCount ?? 1) }
            .subscribe().disposed(by: disposeBag)

I would appreciate any feedback on how I can resolve this.

@KwonsikKim I would need more information to understand the issue you’d like us to help you resolve. Please provide more detail about how the problem is manifesting itself, exact steps to reproduce the problem. For additional tips on creating Apple Developer Forums posts, see tips on writing forums posts.

Problem with status bar moving horizontally in apps that only support portrait