AVAudioPlayerNode scheduleBuffer & Swift 6 Concurrency

We do custom audio buffering in our app. A very minimal version of the relevant code would look something like:

import AVFoundation

class LoopingBuffer {
  private var playerNode: AVAudioPlayerNode
  private var audioFile: AVAudioFile

  init(playerNode: AVAudioPlayerNode, audioFile: AVAudioFile) {
    self.playerNode = playerNode
    self.audioFile = audioFile

  func scheduleBuffer(_ frames: AVAudioFrameCount) async {
    let audioBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(
      pcmFormat: audioFile.processingFormat,
      frameCapacity: frames
    try! audioFile.read(into: audioBuffer, frameCount: frames)
    await playerNode.scheduleBuffer(audioBuffer, completionCallbackType: .dataConsumed)

We are in the migration process to swift 6 concurrency and have moved a lot of our audio code into a global actor. So now we have something along the lines of

import AVFoundation

@globalActor public actor AudioActor: GlobalActor {
  public static let shared = AudioActor()

class LoopingBuffer {
  private var playerNode: AVAudioPlayerNode
  private var audioFile: AVAudioFile

  init(playerNode: AVAudioPlayerNode, audioFile: AVAudioFile) {
    self.playerNode = playerNode
    self.audioFile = audioFile

  func scheduleBuffer(_ frames: AVAudioFrameCount) async {
    let audioBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(
      pcmFormat: audioFile.processingFormat,
      frameCapacity: frames
    try! audioFile.read(into: audioBuffer, frameCount: frames)
    await playerNode.scheduleBuffer(audioBuffer, completionCallbackType: .dataConsumed)

Unfortunately this now causes an error:

error: sending 'audioBuffer' risks causing data races
   |                      `- note: sending global actor 'AudioActor'-isolated 'audioBuffer' to nonisolated instance method 'scheduleBuffer(_:completionCallbackType:)' risks causing data races between nonisolated and global actor 'AudioActor'-isolated uses

I understand the error, what I don't understand is how I can safely use this API?

  • AVAudioPlayerNode is not marked as @MainActor so it seems like it should be safe to schedule a buffer from a custom actor as long as we don't send it anywhere else. Is that right?
  • AVAudioPCMBuffer is not Sendable so I don't think it's possible to make this callsite ever work from an isolated context. Even forgetting about the custom actor, if you instead annotate the class with @MainActor the same error is still present.
  • I think the AVAudioPlayerNode.scheduleBuffer() function should have a sending annotation to make clear that the buffer can't be used after it's sent. I think that would make the compiler happy but I'm not certain.
  • Am I overlooking something, holding it wrong, or is this API just pretty much unusable in Swift 6?
  • My current workaround is just to import AVFoundation with @preconcurrency but it feels dirty and I am worried there may be a real issue here that I am missing in doing so.
Answered by Engineer in 801382022

AVAudioPCMBuffers are essentially wrappers around AudioBufferLists, exposing the latter's data pointers. In this sense they are mutable reference types, and therefore not inherently Sendable. If your implementation is taking care of isolating the buffers from data races, then marking them as @unchecked Sendable is already the mechanism to tell the compiler exactly that. It is arguably better than marking all of AVFoundation with @preconcurrency.

I've had a play and I don't think my sending proposal would help here either because of the previous call to audioFile.read() the compiler won't allow it to be sent.

For now I have boxed the buffer inside an @unchecked Sendable but I wish there was a nicer way to make this API work.

Accepted Answer

AVAudioPCMBuffers are essentially wrappers around AudioBufferLists, exposing the latter's data pointers. In this sense they are mutable reference types, and therefore not inherently Sendable. If your implementation is taking care of isolating the buffers from data races, then marking them as @unchecked Sendable is already the mechanism to tell the compiler exactly that. It is arguably better than marking all of AVFoundation with @preconcurrency.

Great, thanks for the explanation, this was really helpful and gave me the confidence to use unchecked Sendable in this instance.

I understand how it got here now but it's an awkward API that is pretty hard to use safely out of the box from Swift 6.

AVAudioPlayerNode scheduleBuffer & Swift 6 Concurrency